Oliver G Pike

About this website

All text and images on this website are copyright.
Wildlife and many other images on this website are the copyright of the Estate of Oliver G Pike.
This website was created by Rory Morrisey in 2012.
Many individuals and organisations have contributed. In particular, the Bedfordshire Natural History Society provided original exhibition prints, and the family of Oliver Pike made many items available.

Rory Morrisey has written a 64-page, A4, spiral bound booklet about Oliver Pike. The price is £5.00 and if you wish to purchase a copy you can obtain one from the author.

If you have any queries or wish to purchase the booklet please contact rorymorrisey@hotmail.co.uk

Oliver Pike with guest speaker Peter Scott at a meeting of the
Bedfordshire Natural History Society in 1947

Peter Scott and Oliver Pike

The group consists of Commander Willis (the Chief Constable of Bedfordshire), Oliver Pike, Peter Scott and broadcaster James Fisher.